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Listen to your favourite music or radio
anywhere and everywhere in your home.

We are an accredited multi-room audio design and installation company. We provide bespoke designed home cinema solutions to suite you and the size or space within your home.


The kids can listen to their faviorate music in one room whilst you relax to yours in another. When it's time to party multiple areas can be linked for simultanious sound.


We offer a huge range of speakers including discreete in-ceiling, in-wall, bookshelf, floor standing and even invisible speakers!



Every home integrator, electrician, or contractor "should" tell you that the time to install a cabling infrastructure i.e. run wiring is when you’re creating a new home.


This is when the homes walls are exposed. You can see every side of every wall, no hidden obstacles or things to work around. You will never have a better opportunity to run your cables, ethernet, coax, speaker and HDMI wires.


Even if you don’t plan to have TV, music, network or Wi-Fi in some rooms, run wiring there anyway. It’ll cost you relatively little to do so now. If you decide years later, its there in your kitchen and ready to go. Or, as a selling point, a fully wired home is a big positive for new buyers...


Whilst as talked about above, new build or renovations are best time to wire up a home audio system, not everyone is building a new home. Many home audio enthusiast and shoppers, are trying to add a music system to your existing home, you’re attempting to retrofit an existing space with new electronics. This is precisely where a wireless and or network-based streaming music system will work its magic. 


When we talk about a wireless audio system it is one that runs on your home network. Your router is used to distribute music around your devices. The important thing is that it doesn’t neccessarily require the installation of new wires to get your music around the home. There are some exceptions of course, some IP-based systems do require a hard wired ethernet connection, these systems will require a network socket to be fitted in the room or zone.



More of us want to store all our music in one place, have access to it, coupled with access to Internet based streaming music services such as Spotify, from anywhere in the house at any time.


Tom Cullen from Sonos says “The most compelling reason to buy a modern music system is for the access to all the music on Earth.” He goes on to say “One of the problems with all that abundance is the risk of complexity."


Wireless is clean and simple, which makes it so alluring.” Beyond the installation simplicity of a wireless or network-based audio system, sometimes your home’s unique logistics or construction type makes a traditional wired system a nightmare to contemplate.


Whether it’s plaster walls, intricate woodworking, or a frustrating lack of wire access, the plain truth is that sometimes wireless is your best and only option.


A whole home wireless audio system is only as good as the network it runs on. A poor performing network will result in audio drops out, slow response and even failure of the system. None of these things are condusive to a pleasurable listening experience. 


The first thing to ensure when planning a wireless audio system is establishing a reliable home network. At the heart of a reliabe network is a router. These are initially supplied via you ISP, however, as more and more products require access to the router for functionality like each TV in the home, Blu-Ray players, Game consoles and many, more a specialised option becomes preferantial, like a personal computer or laptop more processing power and memory are required to handle the workload.


Secondly, but no less important is Wi-Fi coverage. This is imperrative again to a functioning system and positive listening experience. Wi-Fi access points may be required around the home to provide a full and stong Wi-Fi signal throughout. These come in many shapes, sizes and can be insatlled in several ways depending on the existing cabling infrastructure. Even if you have no infrastructure they can be used to repeat the signal of the existing router. Whilst Home-Plugs can be useful in certain instances, the reliability is limited to the quality of your electrical system. In older properties they can be unsuitable

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